New Chapter

Created by Haley 12 years ago
We met Joshua in the summer of 2009. I had always known that I had an older brother somewhere, but I never knew where he was, or even his last name. I remember one day our cousin Tyler had found him searching for our dad on craigslist! Can you imagine that! Craigslist! Needless-to-say we were more than ecstatic! We all cried and laughed and screamed in happiness that finally we would meet the missing piece to all of our hearts. The first year he came to visit in Alaska, he came to live with me and my boyfriend Jared, and our son Jayden. I remember picking him up from the airport like it was yesterday. We all wondered if he looked like dad or how he acted, and if we would all get along well.. it seemed like the second we seen him, it was like we had known him our whole lives. We instantly clicked and bonded. He was the big brother I always wanted and never had. We spent so many nights talking about things that neither of us could tell anyone, we had plenty of inside jokes that would keep us laughing for hours over senseless things, and most of all, we would go on adventures through sutton, 4X4'ing cars up huge hills, or going up to the coal hills to have a huge bonfire and go fishing.. I remember many many fun days and wonderful conversations we had. He left to the states for awhile, and came back months later, and spent another summer with us. Things were just coming together, then I moved to California. Now, in hindsight, i wish i would have been there with him. I wish I would have never taken a moment for granted. I shouldn't have left. Joshua was shot and killed November 3rd, 2011. I was just getting to know the one person in this world that really understood me, and could know exactly what I'm thinking, without even saying it. He was so charismatic, and he always knew the right thing to say, to make you smile. It feels like being starving and having a hot plate of food in your face, but only getting a taste, then having it ripped out of your hands. I only got a little piece of time with him, and now I'll never get to do all the things we planned. He was just getting his life together, and getting settled down so he could better himself. He had a great job, just got a vehicle, and was living in a stable home. Things were great. I miss him everyday i breathe and i love him so so much. My prayers will always go to his family, as well as my own. I love you Joshua. You are always here with me.